Episode 22 Postponed! May was too Crazy!!!

In light of all that is going on in the world, we have found ourselves struggling to finish the production of Episode 22: Silver Linings of the Pandemic and How Pandemic Response and Climate Change are similar. Over the last week our society has erupted in protest against the extrajudicial police killings of BIPOC. We stand in solidarity with those who suffer injustices at the hands of those who are supposed to be protecting the public. In light of the craziness of the last month, we are going to postpone and release a shorter episode (thank goodness) that highlights the Plastic Free July Challenge. Our goal is to release that in two weeks on June 16th.

We hope to be back to our normal schedule in July, but if that changes, we will keep you posted!

We hope you are all staying safe and that together we can rebuild something better. Stay strong. You are loved!