The Best Gift of All?! Launching Our Podcast!!!

After over a year of preparation, we are finally ready to announce the SNEAK Preview Launch Date for the Will We Make It Out Alive Podcast.

A week from today (otherwise known as Christmas) check out our website to listen to our first episode, How to Track a Murder!

I swear it’s about the environment, how citizens can help map stuff and how we can better protect ourselves from an attack, and maybe you are looking for another relaxing activity for Christmas or to ring in the new year. There might even a be a cat for no reason…

During our sneak preview, we will only be releasing the podcasts to our website; the episodes will not be available on Apple Podcasts or other podcasts host sites. That means only those who know us or have found us through one of our social media networks will have access to these episodes. Please, please, please, whether written or next time you see us, let us know what you think! Were we funny, interesting and engaging? And most importantly, would you want to listen to more and/or would you share our podcast with your peeps? Also, we always encourage people to provide feedback related to anything they think we got wrong; we are doing our best to accurately portray these stories.

We will be releasing the first 3 episodes weekly on Tuesdays between December 25th and January 8th. Our second episode is Victoria’s Pooping Habits and our third episode is How Washington Got Crabs and How We Are Treating Them.

We will do our official launch to Apple Podcasts and other podcast places on January 22nd, where we will post the first three episodes along with our fourth episode. From then on we will release a new episode every other week on Tuesdays.

The Magical Mapper and I have been hard at work learning new stuff and skillz, like how to use a microphone (and yes, as the Magical Mapper re-learned tonight, the mic on the computer makes it sound like you are in a tin can…lucky for y’all we borrowed some real mics to make our sound better - THANKS DAVE!!!), edit our sounds, run a business including budgeting, marketing and branding, and how to create and maintain a website…Oh and we had to actually research and create the stories behind our podcast. And we both still work full time jobs in addition to all this…Basically, it’s a wonder we had a life at all over the past year…Please bear with us as we navigate some of these new aspects that are so different from our typical expertise.

Did I mention…WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!

So, please tune in next week.

Don’t worry…we’ll remind you!!!