Episode 14: Intermission

We have some sad news. The stars and culverts did not align, and our first attempt at long distance interviewing sounds horrible. Instead of making you listen to something sub-par, we decided to try again, and we will have that episode for you next month (in November).

In the meantime, we have a mini-episode for you this month. We discuss several Orca Recovery Day events happening around Puget Sound, as well as a couple events on the East side of Washington! We may have even thrown in a few bad orca jokes for good measure. Details about all of the Orca Recovery Day events, which will happen on October 19 this year, can be found at the Better Ground website.

Anonymous Environmental Informant

Anonymous Environmental Informant

We would love to hear about your Halloween Costumes, especially if they are environmental, water or poop related! Or map/GIS, of course! Visit the Poop Detective’s Facebook page to see an awesome port-a-potty costume.

While you’re patiently awaiting our return, why not catch up on any episodes you may have missed?

Thanks for your patience, and we’ll be back with a full episode next month!